Source code for akismet._common

Common definitions used by both the sync and async Akismet implementations.


# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

import enum
import os
import sys
import textwrap
import typing

import httpx

from . import _exceptions, _version

# Private constants.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

_API_URL = ""
_API_V11 = "1.1"
_API_V12 = "1.2"
_COMMENT_CHECK = "comment-check"
_KEY_SITES = "key-sites"
_REQUEST_METHODS = typing.Literal["GET", "POST"]  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
_SUBMISSION_RESPONSE = "Thanks for making the web a better place."
_SUBMIT_HAM = "submit-ham"
_SUBMIT_SPAM = "submit-spam"
_USAGE_LIMIT = "usage-limit"
_VERIFY_KEY = "verify-key"


_TIMEOUT = float(os.getenv("PYTHON_AKISMET_TIMEOUT", "1.0"))


# Public constants.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    f"{_version.LIBRARY_VERSION} | Python/"

# Public classes.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

[docs] class CheckResponse(enum.IntEnum): """ Possible response values from an Akismet content check, including the possibility of the "discard" response, modeled as an :class:`enum.IntEnum`. """ HAM = 0 SPAM = 1 DISCARD = 2
[docs] class Config(typing.NamedTuple): """ A :func:`~collections.namedtuple` representing Akismet configuration, consisting of a key and a URL. You only need to use this if you're manually configuring an Akismet API client rather than letting the configuration be read automatically from environment variables. """ key: str url: str
# Private helper functions. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _configuration_error(config: Config) -> typing.NoReturn: """ Raise an appropriate exception for invalid configuration. """ raise _exceptions.APIKeyError( textwrap.dedent( f""" Akismet API key and/or blog URL were invalid. Found API key: {config.key} Found URL: {config.url} """ ) ) def _get_async_http_client() -> httpx.AsyncClient: """ Return an asynchronous HTTP client for interacting with the Akismet API. """ return httpx.AsyncClient(headers={"User-Agent": USER_AGENT}, timeout=_TIMEOUT) def _get_sync_http_client() -> httpx.Client: """ Return a synchronous HTTP client for interacting with the Akismet API. """ return httpx.Client(headers={"User-Agent": USER_AGENT}, timeout=_TIMEOUT) def _protocol_error(operation: str, response: httpx.Response) -> typing.NoReturn: """ Raise an appropriate exception for unexpected API responses. """ raise _exceptions.ProtocolError( textwrap.dedent( f""" Received unexpected or non-standard response from Akismet API. API operation was: {operation} API response received was: {response.text} Debug header value was: {response.headers.get('X-akismet-debug-help', None)} """ ) ) def _try_discover_config() -> Config: """ Attempt to discover and return an Akismet configuration from the environment. :raises akismet.ConfigurationError: When either or both of the API key and URL are missing, or if the URL does not begin with ``"http://"`` or ``https://``. """ key = os.getenv(_KEY_ENV_VAR, None) url = os.getenv(_URL_ENV_VAR, None) if not all([key, url]): raise _exceptions.ConfigurationError( textwrap.dedent( f""" Could not find full Akismet configuration. Found API key: {key} Found blog URL: {url} """ ) ) if not url.startswith(("http://", "https://")): raise _exceptions.ConfigurationError( textwrap.dedent( f""" Invalid Akismet site URL specified: {url} Akismet requires the full URL including the leading 'http://' or 'https://'. """ ) ) return Config(key=key, url=url)